Adaptive Plant Explorer system is a comprehensive
supervisory system utilizing web technology
to monitor and manage the Adaptive ePlant
range of control systems.
The system can run on a single computer
or can be installed in a multi-user environment
with a Window server and multiple workstations.
The system can also be connected to a
corporate LAN or WAN so that production
data can be made available to anyone on
the network.
The system uses Windows 2000, Windows
XP or Windows Server to give a better
than 99.99% up-time, ensuring the system
is always online and supplying the tools
management needs to keep the plant running
at maximum efficiency.
The system automatically synchronizes
the data from the control system databases
with its own central database. In the
event of catastrophic failure the central
database is automatically re-populated
from the control system data. This adds
an extra level of security to a tape backup
and ensures your vital production information
is never at risk.
The system has a full range of powerful
management tools including graphic scheduling,
lot histories. online graphs, animated
mimics and central programming. Local
data logging by the control systems provides
high-resolution lot histories and ensures,
along with the many other features, that
management has all the information it
needs to take control of the plant.